Monday, January 27, 2020

Does The Modernization Theories Mean Westernization Politics Essay

Does The Modernization Theories Mean Westernization Politics Essay The battle between the east and the west still continues as each try to preserve its culture and assert its powers. Just as the fight to be superpowers continues, the west and east continue to outdo each other in other aspects. The concept of modernization means an evolution from traditional society practices to modern social status  [1]  . Modernization has brought about transformation of societies which has been experienced since time in history. The term modernization however, has been mistakably been taken to mean the adoption of policies that favor other societies. The changes have been witnessed in the political, economic production and social systems. In addition, it has also been reflected in the way of thinking and behavior of the people  [2]  . In the twentieth century many transformations continues to change especially the most controversial issue of culture. Societies have remained attached to their practices and beliefs and any attempt to change them. This has remained a contentious issue when the east is approached to adopt policies from the west  [3]  . They view this as colonization from the west which is blocked in every possible way. This paper tackles the question: Does modernization mean Westernization? It seeks to find out whether there are ways of becoming modern that are informed by different civilization logic. In answering this question it visits the issue of modernization in China in the twentieth century. Civilization brings about modernization; and civilization has historic start in Europe. The different civilizations such as the one rising from Tigris-Euphrates and Nile river valleys contributed a lot to the modern man  [4]  . The Middle East in the 4000 B.C.E. also experienced civilization revolutions through agrarian revolutions  [5]  . Technological innovations also characterized this period which contributed to better economic, political and social development. Consequently the changes contributed to the present day modernization. The Chinese Situation In China, modernization came into light during the new culture movement. In this period other terms were associated with modernization; they include westernization, electrification, mechanization, fashionable, and modern  [6]  . Nevertheless, it was until the 1950s and 60s that the concept of modernization became accepted and used. During this period two western centric ideas were accepted which were; the impact à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ response approach and the tradition à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ modernity approach that contributed to the Chinese transformation. The tradition à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ modernity approach had a direct influence to the modernization which was more known in the American society  [7]  . Modernization had two practical purposes in the 1950s and 60s; they include to analyse the academic program so as to bring to an end to communism and secondly to give third world nations with a plan to achieve development of a stable, free and content world through the use of science, rationality, enlightenment, capitalist democracy and capitalistic free market  [8]  . The modernization was characterized in the 1950s and 60s by the split in the development in the modern and tradition period. The traditional period was described as stagnant and static while the modern period was described as rational, fast moving and dynamic. For that reason, modernization was viewed as the elimination of tradition  [9]  . In those who supported modernization they saw China as incapable of transforming itself to be modern; it required an external shock which should be strong enough to initiate a modern revolution; the west had the chance to provide the enlightenment required for the transformation; and the effects of modernization in China would be to copy the west which was regarded as modern  [10]  . Modernization Modernization can be traced to the historical development in Europe, since the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries there were major transformational changes. They included renaissance, scientific revolution, the age of great discovery, agrarian and industrial revolution, and enlightenment. In order to be modernized there are two preconditions involved; they are secularization and innovation  [11]  . In secularization, man is required to have human value that means the satisfaction of practical needs and not accepting idealistic ideas. In adopting secularization man has stronger sense of reality, rationality, and active in social matters. Innovation on the other hand, requires casting away traditional ideologies  [12]  . In real meaning, modernization moves man from a spiritual or god centered society to a man centered one  [13]  . It turns out to be rational and scientific. Modernization also brings the issue of enlightenment which brings about a political and social rearrangement that is based on rationality, science and development. For example, the capitalistic system, a liberal democratic system and sovereignty need to be involved. Modernization means industrialization that is built on science and technological revolutions. Science makes man understand the world while technology gives the tools to have a better world. This means that the quality of life is improved contributing to a modern society  [14]  . Western form of modernization is measured with mechanization regarding to production modes, urbanization, mass participation in public issues, affirmative action, education popularization, expansion of infrastructure i.e. transport and communication, bureaucracy and international relationships enhancement  [15]  . In this view modernization is gauged with the amenities and provisions in the country. For modern transformation the country must therefore undergo economic, political, and cultural transformation. Economically, the country needs to transform from traditional agriculture practices to modern industrial practices  [16]  . Politically, the country must move from dictatorial and feudal autocratic practices to free and fair democratic society. Culturally, the society needs to move from uncivilized groups into conscious individualism so as to have independence. The democratic view of modernization is the ability to restrict power by use of law, having multi-party rule, having security forces to protect the state, democratic elections, accountability of the government, decentralizing the functions and having participants of the people  [17]  . The traditional Chinese culture had entrenched three bonds which were (between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife), and five relationships between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother, and friends  [18]  . The society had focus on family, male domination, patriarchy, agriculture and household industry. Changing this would need great and strong force of modernization. Does modernization mean Westernization? Separating modernization from westernization is the issue that lies in the mind; whichever side of the debate one is then he or she can give contradicting statements to prove a point. Many will debate on the loss of culture and the imitation of the western culture as modernization while others will base their argument on the adoption of democracy and a free society  [19]  . The modern societies have a great deal of common aspects however they never merge into homogeneity. Some have the assumption that the modern civilization is the same as the western civilization and consequently western civilizations is the same as modern civilization. This conversely, is not true. This is due to the fact that the western has always been even before modernization  [20]  . The western culture has been seen to be based on philosophy and rationalism of the Greek, the law of the Romans, natural law, the Latin language the rift between Catholics and Protestants and social pluralism  [21]  . The cultures of the west have not been well accepted in the east in areas like China, Russia, and the Middle East, where centralized bureaucracy and absolutism exists  [22]  . To the east the adoption of such culture and values would be colonization and modern day slavery. The social and political values depicted as western civilization are therefore rebelled against. The values view as western modernization include liberty, individualism, equality, free markets, capitalism, constitutionalism, separation of the church and state, the rule of law, human rights and democracy  [23]  . This creates a democracy paradox; where the Islamic world and the east in general oppose westernization. The question at hand (i.e. Does modernization mean Westernization?) will help to separate modernization from westernization. Depending on which perspective it is either west or east the argument may last forever but to draw a line and separate the real ideologies can help solve the dilemma of whether the glass is half full or half empty. Can one modernize without being western? As the time passes on the differences between the cultures become less and less; the gap therefore closes. But in the modern society many may resist this change seeing it as colonization. Nevertheless, change is inevitable and as technological and industrial revolutions are adopted the enlightenment period get closer with people demanding their rights  [24]  . This means that the society will crave for change. However the adoption does not mean a complete merger of the cultures to one global culture. There will always be real and significant differences in the modernization. For example, the democracy, communism, and fascism were modern political systems and since democracy has been adopted by the west does not mean it is westernization  [25]  . There is therefore need to differentiate the western influence from the modernization in the west. Though modernization may seen by the east as aping the west; the critical part is the difference between the two areas. There are still differences even after modernization since the family values; the social obligations and the meaning of life remain different from the west. Their cultures have the various differences which are always unique to the areas and the people practicing them. This brings the cultural identity which is always maintained even after modernization. Modernization and westernization Societies have defied all odds to modernize despite the negative notion brought by those who oppose change. Westernizing and modernizing have already been differentiated by a clear line. While modernizing is the adoption of technology and industrial revolutions; westernization on the other hand is the adoption of the western culture and ideas. Therefore for those who modernize does not have to adopt the western cultures  [26]  . They just need to maintain their own culture but retain the ideologies of the modern world. The revolutionizing of people and societies is normally seen as the western culture where governments in the east want to retain the status quo and remain dictatorial  [27]  . For modernization to take place there must be minimum requirements which include; industrialization, urbanization, occupational social structures that are complex and diverse, rational, effective and efficient economic groups, revolutionary decisions, education of the masses, efficient communication systems, centralization and global economic participation. Above all there must be social and political will; which might incorporate western values such as liberty, human rights, constitutionalism, secularization, democracy, equality and free markets  [28]  . Citizens from the oppressed nations must therefore be able to distinguish the lies from the truth. Modern day civilization is not just a matter of aping what people want and fighting freedom; it is all about adopting the values that revolutionize society and give them a chance to discover themselves  [29]  . The East especially the Islamic nations has particularly remained cold in adopting the western values more specifically due to the religion factor which is seen as an overtaking of the Muslim religion and culture by the Christian practices and norms  [30]  . For a global village to be achieved there is need for most nations to adopt modernization and play away all difference. On the other hand, it does not mean forgetting their culture but it means retaining it and preserving what is beneficial to the society. Every person needs to given the right to decide his or her own destiny while the state controls the nation in a democratic way. The people should have the freedom to decide in fair elections and be able to exercise their democratic rights  [31]  . It also tends to abolish communism and assert democracy in a society that is oppressed. Conclusion Modernization does not mean aping the law, politics, lifestyles, language, religion, and education systems. But, it entails empowering the societies to decide what they need and want at all times. It involves making their lives easier through revolutions such as industrialization which will make them change from the traditional practices to modern concepts. The west has been viewed as very revolutionary and dynamic in the adoption of new ideas; the east on the other hand has been seen to oppose change. In view of the fact that modernization started in the west does not mean that the east should ape them. The clear separation of modernization from westernization is the only factor that will ensure the societies in the east are not lied to by their leaders. The east can experience better economic, political and social benefits if only they embrace modernization. They should use modernization to ensure the cultural and social values are always preserved within the society. This is the unique character of modernization; it does not strive to change the individual but the means of the individual to live. It is also good since it allows individuals to discover themselves, their strengths and weaknesses which will contribute to better control of the system. The east does not have to worry on adopting the western culture rather what the modernization does to the economic, social and political norms.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Identify the four roles that artists play that have not changed over time Essay

Artist like any other human been, are trying to understand, and explain the world to others, and to themselves, they use their experiences, and imagination, in order to make sense of the world , tangible, or intangible, to do this the artist assume four roles, Henry M. Sayre in his book â€Å"A World of Art† define those roles as: 1) Artist help us to see the world in new or innovative ways: In this role the artist will produce a piece that generate a new sensation, or a new way of thinking, as an example the artist Yayoi kusama in her work, â€Å"You Are Getting Obliterated in The Dancing Swarm of Fireflies†,2005, she create a room who’s walls, ceiling, and floor is covered by mirrors, inside the room is and assortment of led lights hanging from tiny wires above the ceiling, went the spectator enters the room immediately feels the sensation of been in space, floating, and his/her persona perceive the sensation of been diminished by immensity of the space, created by the illusion of the mirrors. Another example is artist Xia Xiao Wan (Innovative Art Ideas), he will paint multiple layers of glass separately with semi-translucent colors, all six facets of the sheet will be painted, and then put together in groups forming a cube, offering a new and unique experience for the paint spectator, a 360 degree viewing angle, instead of the traditional two dimensional paints. 2) Artist make a visual record of the people, places, and events of their time and place: At times the artist just want to record an event, person or an object, sometimes to impartially describe it, or to appreciated it, or to criticize it, two of the most used forms of art for this purpose are, painting, and sculpture. In the painting â€Å"Jahangir in Darbar†, 1620, it shows the muslin ruler of India Jahangir seated in his court during and audience, is easy to deduce the diversity, and acceptance of Jahangir court, by the faces, and clotting of the people assisting. Endless paintings, and sculptures, of battles, cities, landscapes, and portraits, are the backbone of the historical record of humanity. 3) Artist make functional objects and structures (buildings) more pleasurable and elevate them or imbue them with meaning: The mankind is being building objects since the beginning of time in order to satisfied their needs of protection, from the elements, and from themselves , also to process food, and a myriad of other uses, but humans have a necessity of beauty, this necessity melts in every object that humans produce, as an example we can analyze â€Å"the coffin† a very basic object, a box, whose only purpose is to contain the physical remains of a death person, if the African artist Kane Kwei build this object just to fulfill this function, he will construct a rough box with the basic dimensions to accommodate a body, and his work will be finished, instead he embrace his need of beauty, and create carving coffins with meaning for the decease, and the people who knew the decease, coffins in the form of fishes for fisherman’s, expensive cars for the wealthy, suddenly the coffins is not just a box, is a object of beauty and meaning. 4) Artist give form to the immaterial – hidden or universal truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings. In this role the artist is trying to explain, or represent spiritual believes, feelings, or forces of nature, like God, death, birth, fertility, love, lust, and many more; one of the most notorious representation of this role is the religious art, paintings, sculptures and others forms of art, representing Gods like Jesus, Buda, Zeus, trying to show a representation of a certain believe. The artist Jan Van Eyck in his painting â€Å"The Ghent Altar†, 1432, represent God as a young king/God, very powerful, very rich, but benevolent and merciful, supported in the sides by the Virgin Mary, and John the Baptist, reigning on top of a assortment of people, his adaptation of God is a direct representation of what he knows, kingdoms and kings, mixed with the ideas of catholic church. Works Cited http://www. pinterest. com/pin/265712446734822517/, Innovative Art Ideas Sayre, Henry M. A world of Art (7th Ed. ). Orange State University-Cascades Campus: Pearson/Practice Hall, 2012.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Request for funding memo Essay

In the near future, our company will be launching its first global site. It is substantial that a business has the manpower it needs to not only operate on a global level but also be able to write on a global level. Business writing techniques are critical to an organizations survival in a global market. For this, I am requesting sponsorship for a Business Writing course at University of Houston Downtown. The cost of the course is $700.00. It is 6 weeks long. Completing this course will allow me to write more creatively. Also, the conclusion of this course will enable me to reach those whose secondary language is English more successfully. Adequate writing skills are an important part of communication. This course will help me to understand what it takes to write and market effectively in a global position. I will also gain the knowledge needed to write in simple form so that those who speak English as a second language can better understand what our organization is trying to convey. It is my opinion that this marketing tool is needed so that we are able to function properly and competitively with our overseas opponents. I am convinced that your return on investment will increase once I have the knowledge and skill needed to effectively aid the organization in creating, evaluating, and planning future business writings. To my knowledge, no one in the company has taken a formal Business Writing course. Sponsoring me will give me the writing credentials necessary to help my fellow co-workers. One factor that I believe separates business people from  competitors is the ability to immediately distinguish themselves impressively by way of their communication skills. The importance of effective business writing can hardly be overstated. Learning and honing effective business writing skills can have a positive impact on the company. When channels of communication are effective, so is the business. Thank you for your time and attention regarding this memo. Should need anything further, I can be reached at You can reach me at my desk at the following number: 713.222.2144

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School

Writing letters of recommendation is generally part of a faculty members job. Students need these letters to get into graduate schools. Indeed, grad school admissions committees generally wont accept applications that lack these important letters because they reflect the professor or faculty members assessment of a student applicant. Students need not feel powerless in the process because they do, indeed, have a great deal of influence over the letters that faculty members write. While professors rely on a students academic history in writing letters of recommendation, the past isnt all that matters. Professors impressions of you are important too — and impressions constantly change based on your behavior. There are things you should avoid to ensure that the professors you approach for letters see you in a positive light. To avoid problems, dont: Misinterpret a Faculty Members Response Youve asked a faculty member to write you a letter of recommendation. Carefully interpret his response. Often faculty members provide subtle cues that indicate how supportive a letter they will write. Not all letters of recommendation are helpful. In fact, a lukewarm or somewhat neutral letter will do more harm than good. Virtually all letters that graduate admissions committee members read are very positive, usually providing glowing praise for the applicant. However, a letter that is simply good— when compared with extraordinarily positive letters — is actually harmful to your application. Ask faculty  members if they can provide you with a helpful letter of recommendation rather than simply a letter. Push for a Positive Response Sometimes a faculty member will decline your request for a letter of recommendation outright. Accept that. She is doing you a favor because the resulting letter would not help your application and instead would hinder your efforts. Wait Until the Last Minute Faculty members are busy with teaching, service work, and research. They advise multiple students and likely are writing many letters for other students. Give them enough notice so that they can take the time required to write a letter that will get you accepted into graduate school. Approach a faculty member when he has the time to discuss it with you and consider it without time pressure. Dont ask immediately before or after class. Dont ask in a hallway. Instead, visit during the professors office hours, the times intended for interaction with students. It often is helpful to send an email requesting an appointment and explaining the purpose of the meeting. Provide Unorganized or Inaccurate Documentation Have your application materials with you when you request your letter. Or follow up within a couple of days. Provide your documentation all at once. Dont offer a curriculum vitae one day, and a transcript on another. Anything you provide the professor must be free of errors and must be neat. These documents represent you and are an indicator of how serious you view this process as well as the quality of work you will do in grad school. Dont make a professor have to ask you for basic documentation. Forget Submission Materials Include program-specific application sheets and documents, including websites to which faculty submit letters. Dont forget to include login information. Dont make faculty ask for this material. Dont let a professor sit down to write your letter and find that she does not have all of the information. Alternatively, dont let a professor try to submit your letter online and find that she doesnt have the login info. Rush the Professor. A friendly reminder sent a week or two before the deadline is helpful; however, dont rush the professor or offer multiple reminders. Forget to Express Appreciation Your professor took the time to write for you — at minimum an hour of his time — so take the time to thank him, either verbally, or by sending a thank you letter or note. Remember that you want your letter writers to be in a good mood when they write your recommendation and to feel good about you and their decision to support your application to graduate school. Write a thank you note to your recommender and when you ask for another letter in the future (and you will — either for another graduate school program or even a job), the faculty member will be much more likely to write you another helpful and positive recommendation letter.